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Bomber Command Mining Areas

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2016 12:56 pm
by smudgersmith218
Hi all,

Researching a number of mining operations flown by 3 Group before and just after D-Day. I have a number of "Garden areas" that I cannot locate, and some that I have are conflicting with other primary source details.

Garden Area IRIS 1 to V
Garden Area WHELKS III

Garden Area "ANEMONES" is recorded as Le Havre, in the same document Le Havre is also recorded as SCOLLOPS, then again, Rouen is recorded as SCALLOPS II

Can anyone clarify please, or is there a definitive "Garden" list ?

Kind regards


Re: Bomber Command Mining Areas

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2016 6:06 pm
by Theletterwriter

There is a nice diagram of mining areas in Bryce Gomersall's book "The Stirling File". Iris seems to have been between Dunkirk and the Scheldt estuary. Whelks would look to be further up the coast at Ijmuiden. According to the sketch, the Le Havre area was Scallops. I cannot see Anemones but the name sticks in my memory as a "Garden"

